So... today is February 14... apparently here in the U.S. most people celebrate "Valentine's Day"... MOST people... the term "most" doesn't include Sarah and Caleb Lohman... we didn't even realize today was a "holiday" until about 1:30 this afternoon. So... how did we go about celebrating our Valentine's Day? Well... we're both sick... horrible colds- we really make a great pair. Between sneezing/sniffling/blowing noses/trying to breathe we tried watching movies and episodes of Lost. That's it... how romantic huh? Nothing beats looking over at the love of your life with a red nose, mouth wide open (to breathe), and dozing off (I slept the majority of the day)... but really, I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend an entire day with Caleb... however, I wish it didn't take us BOTH being sick to just "chill out"... we're going to work on that!
On a side note... it was rather exciting for about 5 minutes today... in all 23 years of my life I have NEVER had a bloody nose... which is crazy to me because I feel that everyone gets fact, my 7th grade boyfriend had a bloody nose so often that I broke up with him- yes, I broke up with him because he had a nose bleed every day... yes, that may make me shallow, but I PASS OUT at the sight of blood... so, I had to do what I thought was best for myself in 7th grade... I can't be passing out every day... so... I just had to end it. Enough rambling about the "old days"... today, I got my FIRST bloody nose... OH MY WORD. It was out of NO WHERE... here I am, just trying to breathe/relax/minding my own business and BAM! OUT OF NO WHERE... I had no idea what to do! So... my knight and shining armor/husband tells me what to do... as well as what they used to do in wrestling (no, I did NOT go there...)... then, low and behold, the sight of the blood becomes too much for me... and I had to sit down... poor Caleb... what a great guy though... that's true love... your wife gets a bloody nose, doesn't know what to do, freaks out, and about passes out... oh, did I mention that I got a nice massage/back rub for almost passing out? I did... so, that was my "Valentine's Day" gift... romantic huh?
Besides all of that though- we're both doing well- keeping busy/living the life- no complaints... however, I will be complaining if we have another snow day on Tuesday... we're in a snow warning and supposed to get 5-7 inches tonight... thankfully, the military takes any holiday they can get so we don't have school tomorrow, BUT if we get all of this snow and don't have school on Tuesday I'll be bent out of shape... we already go until the last week in May and START the FIRST WEEK in AUGUST!!! Man, at this rate, we'll be getting out of school the week before we have to go back! Well... my (nighttime) cold medicine is really starting to kick in... here's hoping to a good night of sleep!