Sunday, May 2, 2010

Only My Husband....

"Only my husband"... I can't remember the comedian who (I feel over uses/almost abuses) the saying "you must be a redneck if..." but in respect to him... I have decided to come up with a list of "only my husband"... (for this week) I think this sometimes... and other times say it out-loud... I am so incredibly blessed to be married to the most amazing man I have ever met... he truly is my better half... and completes me. He "gets me," is patient, and humors me as well as puts up with so many of my "quirks"... take for instance these situations that occurred this week... (these are daily things, but figured I'd share them with you!)
- In light of Earth Day I decided that our household is switching to cloth napkins... I hadn't wanted to do so before b/c it was THAT MUCH MORE laundry, but really... the amount of laundry we do at our house is already astronomical, so what's a few more pieces of fabric? And hey, we could use them MULTIPLE times before we wash them- like my dad always said "when the going gets tough, or you've run out of laundry, just wear your under-wear inside out... get more use out of it..." (no, I have never done that, and am pretty sure that he hasn't, but it's the thought that counts in some situations...) so... I decided (yes, he was gone when I made this decision, so he didn't really have a say) that we were switching- we use way too much paper towel, and because I am adamant about using Bounty as the smell of it reminds me of my grandma- yes, I spend almost $2 more to buy Bounty just for this purpose... so, I decided that I was going to "cut back" on buying paper towel and switch... and told Caleb about it- he was on board... until the other day I came home and Caleb bound into the kitchen wanting to show me his awesome purchase from the commissary's "case lot" sale... low and behold an 8 PACK-ALMOST TRIPLE ROLLED paper towel... how could I not laugh... apparently he mis-interpreted "cutting back"... but, he did save us a TON by buying this in bulk... and yes, it was Bounty ;)(only my husband). 1/2 point for Caleb (for getting Bounty/going to the store/realizing a sale/good deal) but a 1/2 point for me for TRYING to save our environment...
- I ALSO decided that I'm going to put silk flowers on the headstones in our cemetery by our house... I am going to (try) and switch the flowers every night- so the other night while we were walking I was talking to Caleb about it and trying to figure out how many days it would be to complete the entire cemetery... I asked "how many headstones do you think there are?" He paused a moment... and asked "how many people are dead in there?" I paused... hesitated... not sure what he was talking about and out of no where he replies (to his own question)... "ALL OF THEM!!" and starts snickering... I stopped... what in the world... and started laughing... not sure if I was laughing at his attempt-of-a-joke or because he was snickering at his own joke.. like, really, snickering. (only my husband)... but I will admit that that joke far outweighs so many of my failed attempts... one point for Caleb.
- I have mentioned this before, but I am a total failure at figuring out our tv (maybe that's part of the reason I hardly watch it!)... so while out shopping yesterday Caleb saw a remote that does EVERYTHING... he said we should get it for me when he's deployed... however, the remote is about the size of my for-arm... I would rather have 3 remotes than this massive remote- it would probably take me the same amount of time to find the button! (not sure how the points should go on this... maybe a point for Caleb for noticing this remote/realizing it may help me... but I should get some type of sympathy points for trying to figure out our 3 REMOTES).
- While out yesterday (and everyday) Caleb is a true gentleman- yes, he still opens the doors for me- even the car door! We went to the library- he helped me carry out the stack of magazines/cds that I checked out (maybe because I was struggling a bit at first... or because I was walking so slow/hobbling while holding them all)... yesterday we went to Elizabethtown to run errands/pick up my ring (from Caleb- 5000 points for him on this one!) and it was raining... scratch that... it was down-pouring- like monsoon-ish... Caleb dropped me off/picked me up at EVERY stop that we made... however, he does this other times that it's not raining, and I think it's because of my sloth-like walk/moving... I can be totally ready in the car, but for some reason it takes me about 5 minutes to open the door/get out/start walking... all while Caleb is standing- waiting- patiently for me... which brings us to my "walk"... yes, I run, but walking gets me... I am so slow... I like to take my time and just walk. While Caleb, our mission/goal-oriented military man likes to just "get it done"... I think it almost kills him to walk with me... (maybe that's why I have to beg him to go on walks?) he is so patient and grins/bears it while I am trying to keep up with his pace... (we hold hands all the time and it probably looks like he's my dad- dragging his child through the parking lot LOL)... however, I would like to admit that I'm still trying to concentrate on "picking up my feet" while walking... I am one of those "scufflers"... which absolutely KILLED MY MOM... the heels of my shoes are so thin it's ridiculous... but I'm trying... bless Caleb (and my mom) for their patience with me... 10 points for each of them.
- So, if you've noticed the points Caleb is in the lead... and it seems like I have no way to catch up... HOWEVER, this is where I start making some points... we got our tax money back (whoo hoo! Before I add any more, Caleb gets another 20 points for trying to do our taxes... you have no idea how many W-2s I had- you can't know how many forms I had b/c I don't even know how many I had... I think I stopped counting at 8(?)- take it easy on me though- I worked several jobs back in MI before coming here... and found jobs down here)... anyways, we got our money back and div-ied it up- put some in savings and other respectable places... then split the rest between the two of us... Caleb spent his on (I can't remember right now) and I have yet to spend mine... well, the other night Caleb was looking at paintball stuff, and I kept reminding him that he had just spent his tax-refund money, and just smiled (full-knowing that I still had my amount)... then, later that night as I'm SLEEPING... yes, sleeping... passed out... Caleb has a conversation with me... and asks me IF he can buy a paintball gun... from there my memory fades... a few days later a HUGE package shows up... inside is... A PAINTBALL GUN?! WHAT?! Caleb replied with "you said I could..." ME:"when was this?!" Caleb:"the other night..." Me:"oh... like, when I was in bed... sleeping... I remember..." agh... I DO remember now saying that he could in fact buy it... but c'mon doesn't that at least half count as "sleep talking" (pity-points for me here?!) ONLY MY HUSBAND... ;) I however will add that I have told him that he will NOT be able to ask any more questions if I am sleeping... and not to even THINK about trying something like that when it comes to him wanting his bike... NO WAY. So... for all of our blog-followers, I am putting my foot down when it comes to buying a motorcycle/bike... so, remember that if/when Caleb ever tries to pull anything/ask about a bike...
- This is the LAST thing I'm saying about "only my husband" and it has to do with Caleb.. sleeping, and I'm going to humor all of you, but I feel that it's ok as this has started to become MY blog.. ;)
I can't even tell you how many times Caleb has talked in his sleep... like full-out CONVERSATIONS...
One time he was in Germany... giving directions/a plan of attack... and giving the coordinates of his platoon... (under a bridge)... (he would be the WORST POW I think...)
Another time, he got up, took his pillow and started walking towards his unit... I woke up taking his pillow and he went back to bed...
There have been MANY times that this has occurred... and at times I have to admit that I talk back to him... and he replies... c'mon, I have to humor myself through this as I don't sleep well, and when I am (FINALLY!) asleep he wakes up talking to me... but most recently, I wake up to: Caleb's face VERY close to mine and a "finger-gun" talking military-jargon to me... OH. MY. GOSH. "CALEB! Put that gun away!!!!"... HAHA, I was dying of laughter, but then, had to LEAVE THE ROOM because I was laughing so hard... he GRABBED DAISY, like football-grabbed her, and slept... they BOTH slept... (yes, Daisy sleeps with us) and she took FULL advantage of this as she got to sleep with him AND use his pillow (you wouldn't believe how many nights I have woken up NOT to Caleb talking, but to heavy breathing/drool by my face... only to see: DAISY. Agh... only our DOG! ;)

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