We absolutely adore Daisy, but lately she has been having anxiety issues... after talking to some of our friends who had a similar problem, said our options were to either get another animal or drug our dog... I'm not about to drug Daisy, because knowing us, it would have the opposite effect and she'd go even more nuts than she already is, so... the animal lovers that we are found ourselves at the vet on post... we hadn't even gotten to look at all of the dogs in the kennels, when we met "Pistachio" (WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT?!)... Caleb fell in love with her (I was still at another kennel admiring this HUGE dog that looked like it had been in the dryer for a bit... next thing I hear, is "oh, babe..." "Oh, great..." is what I'm thinking- Caleb and I have very different opinions on almost everything when it comes to bigger purchases- houses, cars, animals, tech-stuff, etc... so I'm expecting to see some weird looking dog... I walked over and saw this sad-looking dog (I bet that's how he got hooked right away!)... I thought that the dog was laying down... but oh no, she was standing... her legs are just THAT short... well, I DID think she was cute, and when my husband falls in love with her, I start to crumble a bit... next thing I know we are outside with Daisy and her to see if they get along, in which they do... so then, we're in the office asking when we can take her home... she had to be fixed so we would have to wait an ENTIRE WEEKEND- Monday morning she had her surgery, and Caleb met Daisy and I at the vet to pick her up...
Within an hour of her being home, we heard several howls/somewhat ferocious (as ferocious-sounding as a knee-high dog can sound)- the playing got a bit out of hand... that's when Caleb said "I don't know about this... maybe we shouldn't have done this..." I reassured him that they would be fine- Daisy showed "Sadie" (we weren't too thrilled with Pistachio)around the house and followed her everywhere- then Sadie met Panzer (our bengal-cat) and they too fell in love with each other... that night we found ourselves in our queen-sized bed wondering where the other one was... in between Caleb and I were: Daisy, Panzer, AND Sadie... Daisy normally sleeps with us, but it was a HUGE slumber-party with all of us in our bed... yeah, so much for sleeping THAT night... and the next... and again, I heard Caleb say, "I don't know about this..." Throughout the next few days the dogs and Panzer played constantly- a few "big-ger fights" every now and then, but all seemed ok with me- they're siblings- siblings fight... as I said this, I kept seeing Caleb's terrified face- I haven't ever really seen him that upset looking... he was so worried that they weren't getting along... yeah, you definitely know who's the animal lover between the two of us! Every day since bringing Sadie home, I now have TWO dogs who whine at the door for a solid 5-10 minutes when Caleb leaves for PT in the morning, and have TWO dogs who race to the door/outside to greet Caleb home from work. After figuring out sleeping arrangements (Daisy continues to sleep with us) and Sadie sleeps on the floor right next to Caleb, and Panzer... we're still not really sure what he does at night (every now and then he comes in our room/on our bed)... after trying to figure out how to feed two dogs, or rather, how to keep one dog eating their food, while keeping the other dog away from the other's bowl of food... the two are inseparable... so, I guess we'll be keeping Sadie a little longer than our "trial period"...
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