Anyone in my family can attest to the fact that I used to (apparently still do!) start laughing and in a matter of a split second, be BURSTING with tears... anytime that happened, no one knew what to do- it always started out as a joke, so I would be laughing along with everyone else, but then I'd start choking/trying to catch my breath and in an instant be bawling... how would you react? Probably like 99% of my family... they'd immediately stop laughing and just look "bug-eyed" and start apologizing... for nothing. That 1% was my dear sister, who thought it was even more funny to keep laughing to see just how "rial-ed up" I could get with crying...
The last time I remember this happening was in college- Caleb, his friend, Zach, and I were watching tv, then out of no where I became their prey- you see, I HATE to be tickled- Caleb knew this and said something... then it was like they had this lightbulb moment and their eyes were glistening... I started laughing while being tickled but it all changed from full-out laughing to full-out crying... I kept yelling "I hate being tickled, I HATE being tickled!" When the waterworks started coming (yeah, I cry THAT hard) they stopped dead in their tracks and didn't know what to do... "are you laughing? Crying? Are you REALLY CRYING?!"... "Oh my gosh, she really is crying Z..." They obviously stopped tickling me and swore to NEVER do it again... and anytime it gets the "incident" gets brought back up, they chuckle a bit, more like laugh hysterically, and add "she really...really doesn't like to be tickled." No, I don't.
So, that was the last time I started laughing... then crying, that is, until last night. We went to a Haunted Corn-maze, forest, tent, and barn all rolled into one. We didn't go last year with our friends when we found out that it was $20 PER PERSON... no thanks. Well this year is completely different- we're trying to do everything around here that we've never been able to yet... and after BEGGING Caleb to let me go (he didn't want me going)... I found myself, Caleb, and our neighbors-Matt/Michaela, with us- standing amongst a group of KY people (in which Michaela admitted to being TERRIFIED of "hicks"... umm, close your eyes Michaela?) ;) After forking over a night of tutoring-pay, we waited until it was dark to FINALLY get up to the front of the field... the man in charge said it was "about an hour... hour and a half long"... I FREAKED- yeah, that's good b/c I juts spent my entire teaching salary for the WEEK (jk), but being seriously scared for an hour/hour and a half is totally not up my alley for a fun-night out... it honestly wasn't too bad... standing in line that is! The first scene into the field was a black-caped 10plus foot(?) body standing like a statue... until it stood UP and scared us... we even knew it was coming and still got scared... then walking through a house a guy with a chainsaw came up to us- with his chainsaw ON... (obviously due to laws the chain-part wasn't on, but WHO thinks about that when you can SMELL the gas from it!?) I started laughing (for a split second) then basically climbing up Caleb... and that's when it hit... I was laughing... then breathing hard (why is my inhaler NOT with me?!) ;) and crying... when we got underneath a construction light everyone saw my face was streaked with tears... "oh my gosh, are you crying?" Why... yes, I think I was/am... I would like to say that I made it through without having another "attack" but while walking in the field we heard a train-horn... knowing it was coming we walked by a brick wall with a tall arc cut out... then out of NO WHERE a train sounds/light shines/and moves towards us... it happened so fast I was crying/laughing/running at the same time (did I mention that I'm talented?) ;) Well... that was just the cornfield maze... then headed into a forest (where Michaela FREAKED out) because it was as if you landed in the middle of no-where Kentucky... it was a "hick village"... the barn was another event in itself where BOTH of our husbands were freaked- while waiting to enter the barn the guy outside said if you were "prone to panic attacks" not to be 1, 3, 5, or 8 because the walls move and take THOSE PEOPLE... and it you were claustrophobic NOT to go in the "crawl space" and tell the person there that you needed to go outside... when it was our turn to enter the barn he said (to our group of 4) that you didn't want to be the 2nd or 3rd person, JUST in case you were prone to panic attacks... Michaela and I shrieked that we were... and he smiled/pointed to the barn, while Caleb (the fearless leader) led us in... let me add that there was a crawl-space, wall that pushed against BOTH sides of us from air, a bridge that you walked across through a huge hamster cage spinning with colors (which made ALL of us trip out), a grotesque picture of something eating something, and then SPIT water/liquid out, and yet ANOTHER chain-saw person... by the time we entered the tent we were all done... and nothing scared us by that point... an hour/hour and a half later... we were all trying to walk to the car... admitting all of our "scariest" parts... I was still wiping tears from my face/dust/dirt... totally worth the $40 date night ;)
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