A bucket list... some people think they're pointless/stupid/a waste of time... while others live by them... I'm one of those in the middle... I don't think they're pointless, but I don't think you need to live your life around a "list"... but I do however have a "bucket list"... and I'm proud to say that at 23 years old I have checked off quite a few things... yes, I'm impressed... with myself.
One of my things on my list is to run a marathon... which is 26.2 miles... that's quite a bit of running... and something that one should train for... before I really thought about it, my ever so smart husband told me that I should "work up" to it... what?! Why would you work up to something astronomical like that... to me- I just wanted to "check it off" my list... forget a 10k... or a half... just go out and get it done and over with! But... as I thought about it... and actually started running for it, I decided to listen to him, so I signed up for a half marathon at the end of this month... and I'm proud to say that running about 8 miles doesn't seem like much... crazy huh? An asthmatic running... about 8 miles... saying "agh, it's nothing..." well take that elementary phys. ed teacher (not mentioning names)... I believe I passed the "mile test" once... maybe twice... throughout my whole elementary career... and never got a "gold slip" in gym... anyways... last week (on April Fool's Day) I decided to go for a run (since I decided to stop trying to prank Caleb and Nate)... Caleb got a sweet watch (basically the size of a small laptop) that clocks your distance/pace/etc.) that I wore... it was a gorgeous day... I had my headphones on... sunglasses on... and started... and kept going... about 9 miles in I decided to keep going to 10... and at 10 miles (I was seriously really impressed with myself by then!) was like "what's another 3 miles? That's a 5k... piece of cake..." so... I kept going... and didn't stop- at all (I figured if I stopped or slowed way down that I'd just stop completely...) so I COMPLETED a half marathon! (I'm currently patting myself on my back... jk... maybe). You better believe that I already went to my "list" and checked it off... I think I'll start training for the actual marathon sometime later on in my life (I need some things on my list for the rest of my life!) but I should probably start working on my "getting over my fear of horses" sometime soon... that may take the REST of my life to cross off...
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