Ok... so I have heard that "some people never grow up"... many people use that term in a negative view... but I would like to make you reconsider this... as I am one of those people that REFUSES to grow up... or, maybe it's just that I am a bit "immature"... or work with kids... or have a younger brother whom I adore/hang out with and he rubs off on me... or maybe, I don't have an excuse... :) I DO however have an amazing husband who accepts me and doesn't think I'm foolish to get excited about little things... or act like a kid every now and then. Take for example- a few weeks ago, we were at an FRG meeting... Caleb is admired/respected/in charge of a group of men, so he is in the spotlight... so, he obviously acts his age... I on the other hand did not want to sit in a meeting... and decided to play... with a child. The meeting is going on... Caleb stands up... blah blah blah... and I'm having the time of my life drawing/banging my car keys around/etc... Caleb, bless his heart didn't mind (or so he told me!) (I will be coming back to this meeting, so there is a point in telling you this...)
Back to what I was really getting at (like a little kid... my mind wanders... and I start going off on tangents...) With every holiday that comes around, (NOT including Valentine's day... which is NOT a holiday)... I get very excited and tell Caleb, "THIS is my FAVORITE holiday..." and he replies, "I thought Halloween/Christmas/Thanksgiving/Fourth of July/fill in the holiday... was"... and I reply with- "well... I like that one too... but THIS is my favorite..." (did I mention that my husband puts up with a lot?!)- ok, so here it goes- my ALMOST TWO favorite holidays just occurred this past week... it's like a whole week of celebrating for me... APRIL FOOL'S DAY... AND EASTER... hokey pete, how lucky can a girl get- TWO HOLIDAYS IN ONE WEEK!??!!? So, last week I came home from the gym/school and saw... AN EASTER BASKET!!! YES!!! Caleb was scheduled to work Easter weekend and my family was going to be here, so he decided to celebrate a bit early... (thanks for the memo Cabe!) Not only did I get an Easter basket... but he had HIDDEN eggs around the house... I HAVE AN AMAZING HUSBAND. PERIOD. While I had been busy googling April Fool's pranks, he was out preparing my Easter basket... and hiding eggs…
So back to that FRG meeting… (and more to come on April Fool’s Day!)… someone asked the group what they thought about having an Easter Egg Hunt for the squadron… guess whose hand shot up in the air first? MINE. You better believe it! There were several egg hunts both on/off post but they all had an age limit… since when are you too old to do an Easter egg hunt?! I raised my hand because I thought that it would be my one and only opportunity to partake in a hunt… but never the less, there was an age limit… BUT, as I stated before- Caleb made an Easter egg hunt JUST FOR ME… oh my word… words cannot describe how stoked I was! It was… awesome!
Now… onto April Fool’s Day… my ALMOST favorite holiday… growing up my friend Nora and I took an entire day to prank her parents- literally every room in their house had some sort of a joke… it was glorious… I’d also like to note that growing up my MOM taught me how to “short sheet” a bed… yes, my mom… so, pranking runs in my blood… I can’t help it! The week before April Fool’s Day I started practicing my older pranks… and after my failed attempt with the faucet hose and Caleb I decided to try it on Nate… only to fail… AGAIN! Since Nate was here for my ALMOST favorite holiday, we decided to put our heads together… so… we plastic wrapped the toilet seat for Caleb… only to find a note that read “I’m not that stupid”… second attempt: FAIL. Then, my parents came down- they slept in our bed… so, you better believe that (even though it was a few days AFTER April Fool’s Day) I short-sheeted their bed… only to wake up in the morning with them acting like NOTHING happened… why? It didn’t work… third attempt: FAIL. AGHHH… April Fool’s Day is so not fun when you are married to an extremely smart man… that doesn’t fall for anything… and live at a place with absolutely no water pressure… looks like I’m going to be googling more pranks for the rest of the year… next year you ALL better be ready as Caleb will be gone… this is just a forewarning ;)
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