Monday, May 9, 2011

Has justice really been served?

Last week America heard about the killing of Osama Bin Laden, and as a military wife, many have asked "how I (or my husband) feel about it" or "how I think it's going to affect the war"... well, I can't answer either of those questions to be frank... and many people in the similar situation as myself find myself at a loss for words or answers when it comes to that topic. What I can say is that Osama Bin Laden was the murderer of over 3,000 innocent people just alone on September 11... I can also guarantee that if he knew where you or your family was, he would in fact take you out without second guessing anything. He took it upon himself to kill thousands and thousands of people before and after September 11. However, he is not the only one who is killing innocent people... Al Qaeda is still prominent in many areas, and the followers of them are around the entire world still scheming of things.

When news broke of his death, at first I was relieved and almost giddy with excitement- but that was short lived as about 1 minute after, I was shaken and couldn't sleep... my husband and many others are still in Afghanistan fighting a war saving so many innocent people abroad, as well as many of us who are living each day without a worry or care... Osama Bin Laden is just one person- yes, he was a "big leader", but the people who followed him are still around... we are still at war. The night the news came out, it seemed like everyone on facebook had some sort of opinion about the news- I didn't agree with some of their opinions as it seems they truly had no idea who this murderer was or what he did, or who in fact should get credit for the death of him. As news continued to trickle out and different stories of his death, his burial, and the people who were involved came about, many people again began to spout off different opinions... I was still indifferent about the whole situation... as relieved as I should've been, I was almost more scared and uneasy about everything.

First of all, let me remind you that regardless of your political party, or if you care for President Obama, HE was not there putting his life on the line- it was our soldiers who have continued to take it upon themselves to make the world a better place- THAT is where credit is due and needed- our soldiers DESERVE the credit... we have been at war for 10 years and this was indeed a "victory" for them... THEY deserve the credit. So many countless citizens have died fighting, while many people over here are giving credit to our President- who wait a second, wasn't it last month was almost freezing their pay? Regardless of if they were paid or not, they would still be over there... so, again, let's remember to give credit where credit is due- to our service-members who have, who are, and who will continue to fight.

Secondly, YOU have an opinion and are able to spout off your mouth about how you feel about this whole situation BECAUSE of my husband and those serving alongside him (and who have served before)... if you are a woman and lived where Osama Bin Laden was you wouldn't have a say- as a woman you have no rights, you have no voice, and quite honestly, you have no reason to be alive. I understand people were excited to hear about the death of Osama Bin Laden, BUT going out in the streets and celebrating? Really? Wasn't it Osama Bin Laden who in fact went out and celebrated the deaths of all those innocent lives lost on September 11? Let's not "stoop" to his level... celebrate if you wish, but do so in an appropriate matter- actions speak louder than words, and those celebrating in the streets are only enticing the Al Qaeda followers- again, my husband, and many others are still in an unsafe area fighting against those people who are watching and waiting for us to make a move. I'm not saying that you can't celebrate- go ahead and celebrate- surely, this is a job well done and something that was needed, as well as his death was well deserved for all those fighting- it was "justice" for those that needed it and a sense of "closure" to those that sought it for the attacks on September 11, but remember, YOU have the right to celebrate in a MODEST way- going out in the streets hooting and hollering like the murderer we killed, is not the "right" way...

I'm still torn on this whole situation, so if you're looking for my answers I have nothing. I'm just saying to remember about those who have served, who are serving, and who will serve. PRAY for them, as they're in more of an "unknowing/unsafe" area than ever before. Be THANKFUL for all the rights that you have as an American citizen.

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