Monday, May 16, 2011

"I just realized what meat really is..."

I have realized that the past blogs have been completely venting, complaining, and not really "like me"... however, I am attributing it completely to my better half being gone- the one whom I share everything with... and being sick with CRAZY pregnant hormones raging... BUT while chatting with my sister the other day I was reminded on one of my "better moments"... so here goes, but please, don't judge me... I'm sharing this openly with you all hoping that someone finds a bit of humor in it... yes, it's ok to laugh AT me...

Last year I was reading a story about a vegetarian woman in one of my magazines... when all of a sudden I read something about meat being muscle... I literally stopped breathing... I felt as if I had been lied to my entire life by NOT really knowing "what meat was"... true- I KNEW what meat was, I just didn't really THINK about it... I think of it as being, or wanting to be naive about it all, so just refused to think about what I was eating... however, it blew me away... just KNOWING that meat was in fact muscle... I quick called Caleb and texted my sister... who has since saved this text so that I can share it with you... "Sarah:OH MY GOSH!!! I am going joke... I JUST realized what meat really is... muscle?!?! Are you freakin for real?! I feel like I have been lied to my whole entire life... oh my gosh, oh my gosh... freaking out right now..." TWO seconds later (I really don't even know how the girl read the text that fast) my phone rang with my sister and her friends/colleagues hysterically laughing... my sister was absolutely appalled that I had "just realized" what meat was... thanks for the support Em! Again, I really did know what meat is/was... but just didn't really THINK about it... later that night Caleb came home from work only to further my fear of meat... when I was talking to him about my "epiphany" he quick grabbed Daisy's leg and said "babe, it's just like taking a bite out of her sweet little leg..." REALLY CALEB?! I ran out of the room only to have Caleb laughing so loudly chasing me around the house, hugging me and saying he loved me and was sorry... about a month after that whole ordeal, (at this point I WAS eating meat, but only chicken and it had to be cut a certain way, and there was NO THOUGHT involved while eating... just eat, chew, swallow...) Caleb and I were out to dinner- I had an AWESOME salad with grilled chicken on top- he had finished his dinner and really wanted to try my salad, but I wasn't about to share, as it was THAT good... sooo, what does he say? with a sparkle in his eye and a huge grin on his face..."How's that muscle salad babe!?" I couldn't help but laugh (gag a little) and pass the plate to him... who thoroughly enjoyed the leftover salad... again, I am TELLING you that I really did know what meat was... just chose not to think about it... I still have a bit of a hard time when I THINK about it... but oh well... at least it's out of our Caleb and I's system... but mark my words, if ANYONE EVER tells Kenzie and our other children what they're eating I will go NUTS on you... ;)

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