Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lifelong Learner...

So in teaching, we call it "lifelong learning"... many other people use this term as well, but the point is that "we're always learning"... so... here goes... I confess... I am still learning...
1. Growing up my sister loved "perogies"... honestly, I was always curious what they were- were they a potato? What were they!??! Caleb, LOVES perogies as well... the other night he was eating one and I looked at him in all seriousness and said "what's a perogie?" Caleb (bless his heart) put his fork down, mouth wide open (astonished that I was ACTUALLY SERIOUS), and kindly told me what it was... it's a type of spaghetti outside... hmm... I was so shocked that I called my mom to see if she knew what they were... (she KIND OF knew)... so that made me feel a bit better about it!

I've had other "learning lessons" over the past month, but I'll stop there (just in case you all think I'm crazy for not knowing what a perogie is!)... I'll go on to the other members of our family and their "lifelong learning"...

Daisy: we're working with her and trying to teach her tricks... she ALMOST knows how to roll over... and then we're going to teach her to "play dead".. however, this is a work in progress as whenever she gets "excited" she pees... I am however pleased to say that she knows when we leave to go to her crate- WITHOUT being asked... (well, sometimes) but for the most part she just goes right in! (YEAH!!!)

Panzer: oh Panzer... he's finding places in our basement to hide... this is NOT GOOD... why? These places are PIPES/venting areas... I'm so afraid he's going to get in one... oh, and speaking of Daisy/her crate... Panzer goes by her crate and the other day I caught him messing with the lock... do you know how horrible that would be if/when he opens it?! AGHH...

Caleb: basically, he's learning how to "live with me"... some of you may know that I love love LOVE April Fool's Day... yes, it IS a holiday... growing up I took this VERY SERIOUSLY... and in prepping for it this year I was SOOO excited to find out that we had a "hose/spray" in our sink (I was devastated when we built a new house in MI and my dad didn't install one for this sole reason!!!)... so... I attached a rubber band to the nozzle- I was all ready- camera in hand (pretending to tape Daisy doing tricks in the kitchen) and asked Caleb if he could get me a glass of water... the loving husband that he is didn't even hesitate- just went to the sink, turned it on, and... FAIL... Fort Knox has AWFUL pressure... I was devastated... I failed!!! I'm thinking of going to my friend Mekala's house to "test" it out on her... I need some fun on this holiday!! (more on her in my next post...) but I just realized that being married on April Fool's Day is kind of a bummer because I can't do half of the tricks I did growing up... I can't "short-sheet" my own bed!!! (I guess I have to go to google now and find some better tricks!) Other than that... Caleb is learning a lot... I'll come up with more lessons later...

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