Monday, August 1, 2011

July 29, 2011

Hi Daddy! How's everything going? We miss you like CRAZY! Mama always gets worried when she doesn't hear from you- worried, and she misses you THAT MUCH MORE.. so do I... but it's ok, because we pray so much/so often/so hard ALL THE TIME for YOU and everyone with you... Mama prays, and I listen- we seriously pray at least once an hour... it calms us both down a lot. :) Your guys' friend, Eliesha Delmastro sent Mama a text message saying she heard from her husband (Travis) that he sent her an email right before the blackout happened that said "Lohman and I are ok"... which was so nice just hearing- glad you both keep us up-to-date as best as you can and are looking out for each other. :)

Mama and I hung out all day and got things done around the house- ran some errands, and just rested a bit. Uncle Nate and Mama went for a run/bike ride (Uncle Nate decided he needed to encourage her while running) so he rode alongside Mama while she ran- she ran 5miles! Not too shabby after having me huh? She didn't stop either- I guess it was all that frustration she had lol... she hasn't ran with me in the jogging stroller because she said she has to get back up to her "old running" time/strength first... makes sense, but I'm sure soon enough she'll take me- she hates not being with me... probably because she thinks she's hanging out with you because I'm your mini-me LOL ;) We can't wait to hear from you daddy- EVERYONE is asking about you and waiting for you to come home! We LOVE YOU!
Kenzie girl

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